Manner’s Today
Are manners disappearing in the world we live today, I was educated to be courteous to our elders and to open doors for ladies out of respect, when seated always always make a seat available for a female, elderly person, pregnant women if there was no where for them to sit.
Today that seems to have been overtaken by some women not wanting the door opened for then or letting then go first as a guested of respect, something has happened in society today were these actions have been “in my opinion” turned around and completely changed into some sort of a gender battle, instead of respect it is being seen as lets say degrading, that might not be the right0rwrong word.
Example for you to ponder, i was out doing some shopping and decided probably through habit to open a door into a shop for a young lady, perfect normal you would say what a gentlemen, oh no that was not the case expecting a thank you and maybe a smile i ended up with ” why are you doing that do not think i can open the door myself” I smiled and in a little shock said you are welcome, was i right0wrong to open the door for the young lady?
What is going on now in the world we live in today where the basic prescribable of respect, manners, and probably a few others can be called into question, because it is now being seen as the opposite and taken as a criticism or it offends someone.